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of age, race, education, occupation, seniority   for America’s inequities. The closer we get to
                                                         and work hours. Now men need to liberate   achieving equality of opportunity between the
               DIFFERENTIATION                      Identity  themselves from the pressure to prove their   sexes, the more clearly we can see that the next
                                                         masculinity. Contrary to the fears of some pun-  major obstacle to improving the well-being of
               Connections to World                      dits, the ascent of women does not portend the   most men and women is the growing socioeco-
               You could ask students to brainstorm ways   end of men. It offers a new beginning for both.   nomic inequality within each sex.
               in which our culture might change if men   But women’s progress by itself is not a panacea            2012
               no longer had “to prove their masculinity”
               (par. 14). What might happen to profes-             Questions
                Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
               sional sports? Would men suddenly be
               much more content staying home and rais-              1.  Rhetorical Situation / Claims and Evidence / Reasoning and Organization.  Stephanie
               ing children than working long hours and             Coontz begins by addressing a counterargument. What is that counterargument, and how
               trying to reach corner offices? How would            does she address it? How does it affect the cogency of her argument?
               this reality look in different cultures?            2.  Claims and Evidence / Reasoning and Organization.  How does Coontz define the term
                                                                    “patriarchal dividend” (par. 3)? To what extent do you agree that there is such a benefit?
                                                                   3.  Claims and Evidence.  What evidence does Coontz provide to support her contention that
                   Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
               CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING                              “[m]ost men are in fact behaving better than ever” (par. 7)?
                                                                   4.  Claims and Evidence / Reasoning and Organization.  What does Coontz mean by her
               This final sentence makes a very strong              claim that the real problem is men’s “overinvestment in their gender identity” (par. 9)? Is it the
               statement. What exactly is Coontz saying?            same as “the masculine mystique” (par. 11)? Explain.
               You might ask students, with partners, to           5.  Rhetorical Situation.  Much in our society has changed since 2012, the year this article was
               paraphrase the conclusive claim. Is it a call        published. Has the trend Coontz discusses continued since then? What has changed? What
               to action, or something else?                        has remained the same?
               TRM  Suggested Responses                      The Perils of Being Manly
               Suggested responses to the questions for   3
               this reading can be found in the Teacher’s    Roberto A. Ferdman
               Resource Materials.                           Roberto Ferdman is a journalist who covers economics and other issues for HBO’s Vice
                                                             News Tonight. Previously a reporter for Wonkblog at the Washington Post, Ferdman wrote
               DIFFERENTIATION                               the following article for the Washington Post in 2016.
               Inquiry                                       few years ago, I found myself in the emer-  He pressed down onto various parts of my
               Q2. Google has two tools students may     A  gency room. I had hurt my ankle playing   foot, each one more painful than the last. And
               find interesting as a way to research terms     basketball, and the pain was unbearable. I    yet, the numbers I uttered barely nudged,
                                   chal dividend.”
               and phrases such as “patriar
               and phrases such as “patriarchal dividend.”   remember sitting there, waiting for someone      moving up from 5 to 5.5, and then from 5.5 to 6.
               Google Trends shows interest in something   to see me, thinking to myself that it must be   I never said anything higher than that.
               over time. For instance, “patriarchal divi-    broken, or fractured, or something similarly   When the X-rays were in, the doctor showed
               dend” reached its peak popularity in      severe.                          them to me and told me two things. The first was
               searches in 2005. Google Books Ngram         “I’m going touch your ankle in a few places,”   that I had fractured my ankle. The second was
               Viewer shows the frequency of words and   the doctor said shortly after I was brought in.   that there was no way the pain was less than
               phrases in printed books since 1800. For   “I want you to describe the pain on a scale from   an 8. He joked that if I had sought medical care
               example, students can use it to see how   1 to 10.”                        somewhere else, somewhere less precautionary
               often “feminine mystique” has appeared in   Roberto A. Ferdman, “The perils of being manly,” The Washington Post, March 28, 2016. Copyright © 2016 The Washington Post. All rights reserved. Used
                                                         under license.
               print materials. One way to measure social
               trends would be to have students brain-  292
               storm key names and phrases and use
               these tools to measure the public’s interest
               in them. Ideas to search would be “Rosie
               the Riveter” in the Ngram Viewer and
               whether there have been times since her   05_sheatlc4e_40925_ch04_170_315.indd   292                       12/10/22   2:37 PM
               debut that she has been written about   TRM  ELL Essential Guide Handout  BUILDING CONTEXT
               more frequently. Similarly, how often had   An ELL Essential Guide for this reading can
               people searched the term “toxic masculin-  be found in the Teacher’s Resource Materials.  Pain scales are used by medical profession-
               ity” prior to 2015? You might choose some                             als to assess patients’ pain levels, as refer-
               other very current term related to masculin-  TRM  Vocabulary Handout  enced in paragraph 2. These numbers are
               ity for students to search.       Vocabulary in Context exercises based on   meant to convey how severely pain interferes
                                                 challenging words from this reading can be   with normal daily activities. For example, a
                                                 found in the Teacher’s Resource Materials.  pain level of 4 is considered moderate, and
                                                                                     though people would be constantly aware of
                                                                                     pain at this level they would still be able to
                                                                                     function normally. Level 5 pain often affects
                                                                                     daily activities in small ways, and level 7 pain
                                                                                     affects them in most ways. Pain at levels
                                                                                     8–10 harms patients’ abilities to talk, listen,
                                                                                     and move.

               292                                                                                     chapter 4  / Identity

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