Page 188 - The Language of Composition 4e Teacher Edition Sample.indd
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This chart, plucked from the study, does a good   But there is also, hopefully, some humility   20
                                                         job of showing the results, too:  to be had. The consequences of delaying care
                                                                                               when experiencing health issues is no
                                                                                               joke. Nor are those that might arise from
                                                                                               communicating poorly (or, really, inade-
                                                          Symptom Difference: Pre-Post  −0.4  Low Masculinity  onate with a lot of people,” Sanchez said.
                                                                                               quately) with your doctor.
                                                                                                 “I think these findings will really res-
                                                                                               “But I also think people should take this
                Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
                                                                                               seriously. This is something doctors
                                                                                     High Masculinity
                                                                                               should be aware of.”
                                                                                                 I spoke with three doctors, all of
                                                                                               whom acknowledged that what Sanchez
                                                               Female      Male                has found makes sense. They said that it’s
                                                              Interviewer  Interviewer         well known and problematic that men are
                   Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
                                                                                               less likely to seek preventive care than
                                                            Men, in short, are less likely to seek preven-  women. They agreed, based on their experience,
                                                         tive care than women and more likely to put off   that men, generally speaking, tended to approach
                                                         seeing a doctor when in need of medical care.   visits to the doctor differently than women.
                                                         They also prefer to seek out male doctors, but   “All of this seems plausible,” said Peter
                                                         they tend to underreport pain and injuries to     Hoenig, a doctor who has worked as a generalist
                                                         male doctors, thereby compromising the chances   in Massachusetts for more than 30 years.
               CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING                   of receiving optimal care. And all of this, it should   But he also cautioned, as did others, against
                                                         be said, is particularly true among those men   brandishing too wide a brushstroke. The com-
               Paragraph 18 very clearly and succinctly   who prescribe to masculine ideologies.
               summarizes the results in case students                                    plexities of individuals, they noted, seemed to
               find the graph and explanation a bit         “Masculine men tend to not go to the doctor,   far outweigh the quirks of gender ideology.
               confusing.                                and when they do, they tend to pick male doc-  “Be careful of putting too much weight on   25
                                                         tors whom they then underreport their ailments   machismo,” Hoenig said. “It is pretty light cloth-
                                                         to,” Sanchez said.               ing and sheds easily.”
                                                                                             “For several years, I worked as an emergency
               DIFFERENTIATION                           A dangerous game.                physician in a worn-out industrial city,” he
               Connections to Text                       There is some humor in Sanchez’s research.   added. “It was not uncommon for a 300-pound-
                                                         It’s because of their own foolishness, after all,   heavy, tattooed motorcycle guy to faint at the
               If you have read Paul Theroux’s essay, you   that some men — those who swear by archaic,   sight of a needle and a little old lady with pink
               could ask students to compare and con-    rigid, animalistic understandings of their own   pajamas to endure minor surgery without anes-
               trast the simile in paragraph 26 with Ther-  sex — could be compromising their health.   thesia in order to get home quickly to be with
               oux’s description of masculinity being “like   The cycle the two successive studies suggest   her poodle.”
               having to wear an ill-fitting coat for one’s     certainly paints such a picture.                     2016
               entire life.”
               TRM  Suggested Responses                            Questions
               Suggested responses to the questions for              1.  Rhetorical Situation / Reasoning and Organization.  What is the purpose of Roberto A.
               this reading can be found in the Teacher’s           Ferdman’s opening anecdote about the emergency room? What central point of the article
               Resource Materials.                                  does it illustrate?

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               294                                                                                     chapter 4  / Identity

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