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               212     Chapter 2 • The Derivative and Its Properties

                NOTE The Earth is not perfectly round; it  In Example 9, the acceleration of the ball is constant. In fact, acceleration is
                bulges slightly at the equator, and its mass is  the same for all falling objects at the same location, provided air resistance is not
                not distributed uniformly. As a result, the  taken into account. In the sixteenth century, Galileo (1564–1642) discovered this by
                acceleration of a freely falling body varies    ∗
                slightly.                          experimentation. He also found that all falling bodies obey the law, stating that the
                                                   distance s they fall when dropped is proportional to the square of the time t it takes to
                                                   fall that distance, and that the constant of proportionality c is the same for all objects.
                                                   That is,
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                                                                                  s = −ct
                                                      The velocity v of the falling object is
                                                                              ds   d     2
                                                                           v =   =   (−ct ) = −2ct
                                                                              dt   dt
                                                   and its acceleration a is
                                                                                 dv   d s
                                                                             a =   =     = −2c
                                                                                 dt   dt 2
                                                   which is a constant. Usually, we denote the constant 2c by g so c = g. Then
                                                                                                 1  2
                                                                       a = −g    v = −gt    s = − gt

                                                      The number g is called the acceleration due to gravity. For our planet, g is
                                                   approximately 32 ft/s , or 9.8 m/s . On the planet Jupiter, g ≈ 26.0 m/s , and on
                                                   our Moon, g ≈ 1.60 m/s .
                2.4 Assess Your Understanding
               Concepts and Vocabulary                               Skill Building
                1. True or False  The derivative of a product is the product  In Problems 9–40, find the derivative of each function.
                   of the derivatives.                             PAGE         x                        2 x
                                                                   205 9. f (x) = xe           10. f (x) = x e
                2. If F(x) = f (x)g(x), then F (x) =  .
                                                                      11. f (x) = x (x − 1)    12. f (x) = x (x + 5)
                3. True or False  x = nx n + 1 , for any integer n.  PAGE
                               dx                                  205 13. f (x) = (3x − 5)(3x + 4)  14. f (x) = (3x − 2)(5x + 3)
                4. If f and g 6= 0 are two differentiable functions,            5    3
                       d  f (x)                                      15. s(t) = (2t − t)(t − 2t + 1)
                   then      =     .
                      dx g(x)                                        16. F(u) = (u − 3u + 1)(u − u + 2)
                                    e x
                5. True or False  f (x) =  can be differentiated using the  17. f (x) = (x + 1)(ln x + 1)  18. f (x) = (x + 1)(ln x + x)
                                    x  2
                                             e x                               2s                         z + 1
                                                    e and using the
                   Quotient Rule or by writing f (x) =  = x  −2 x     19. g(s) =                 20. F(z) =
                                             x  2                             s + 1                        2z
                   Product Rule.                                               1 − 2u                     1 − w 2
                                                 d  1                 21. G(u) =                 22. f (w) =
                6. If g 6= 0 is a differentiable function, then  =  .          1 + 2u                     1 + w  2
                                                dx g(x)
                                                                               4x − 2                     −3x − 1
                                 ′′       .
                7. If f (x) = x, then f (x) =                      207 23. f (x) =               24. f (x) =
                                                                               3x + 4                      2x + 1
                8. When an object moving on a line is modeled by the position
                   function s = s(t), then the acceleration a of the object  PAGE  1                          1
                                                                   207 25. f (w) =  w − 1        26. g(v) =  v + 5v − 1
                   at time t is given by a = a(t) =  .
                                                    In a famous legend, Galileo dropped a feather and a rock from the top of the Leaning Tower of
                                                   Pisa, to show that the acceleration due to gravity is constant. He expected them to fall together,
                                                   but he failed to account for air resistance that slowed the feather. In July 1971, Apollo 15
                                                   astronaut David Scott repeated the experiment on the Moon, where there is no air resistance.
                                                   He dropped a hammer and a falcon feather from his shoulder height. Both hit the Moon’s surface
                                                   at the same time. A video of this experiment may be found at the NASA website
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                                                 For Review Purposes Only, all other uses prohibited
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