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               216     Chapter 2 • The Derivative and Its Properties

                97. Current Density in a Wire The current density J in a wire  110. If f and g are differentiable functions with f 6= −g, find the
                   is a measure of how much an electrical current is compressed      f g
                   as it flows through a wire and is modeled by the       derivative of  f + g  .
                   function J(A) =  , where I is the current (in amperes) and A  2x
                                A                                 CAS 111. f (x) =  .
                   is the cross-sectional area of the wire. In practice, current  x + 1
                   density, rather than merely current, is often important. For  (a) Use technology to find f (x).
                   example, superconductors lose their superconductivity if the  (b) Simplify f to a single fraction using either algebra or a
                    © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes Only - Do Not Copy.
                   current density is too high.                              CAS.
                   (a) As current flows through a wire, it heats the wire, causing it  (c) Use technology to find f  (5) (x).
                      to expand in area A. If a constant current is maintained in a  Hint: Your CAS may have a method for finding
                      cylindrical wire, find the rate of change of the current  higher-order derivatives without finding other derivatives
                      density J with respect to the radius r of the wire.    first.
                   (b) Interpret the sign of the answer found in (a).
                                                                     Challenge Problems
                   (c) Find the rate of change of current density with respect to the
                      radius r when a current of 2.5 amps flows through a wire of  112. Suppose f and g have derivatives up to the fourth order. Find
                      radius r = 0.50 mm.                                 the first four derivatives of the product f g and simplify the
                98. Derivative of a Reciprocal, Function Prove that if a  answers. In particular, show that the fourth derivative is
                                            d  1      g (x)                d  4
                   function g is differentiable, then  = −  ,                 ( f g) = f  (4) g + 4 f  (3) (1)  + 6 f  (2) (2)  + 4 f  (1) (3)  + f g (4)
                                           dx g(x)   [g(x)] 2              dx 4
                   provided g(x) 6= 0.
                99. Extended Product Rule Show that if f, g, and h are    Identify a pattern for the higher-order derivatives of f g.
                   differentiable functions, then                    113. Suppose f 1 (x), . . . , f n (x) are differentiable functions.
                       d                                                          d
                         [ f (x)g(x)h(x)] = f (x)g(x)h (x) + f (x)g (x)h(x)  (a) Find  [ f 1 (x) · . . . · f n (x)].
                       dx                                                        dx
                                       + f (x)g(x)h(x)                            d       1
                   From this, deduce that                                 (b) Find               .
                                                                                 dx f 1 (x) · . . . · f n (x)
                                 d     3        2                    114. Let a, b, c, and d be real numbers. Define
                                   [ f (x)] = 3[ f (x)] f (x)
                                                                                            a  b
               In Problems 100–105, use the Extended Product Rule (Problem 99)                c    = ad − bc
               to find y .
               100. y = (x + 1)(x − 1)(x + 5)                             This is called a 2 × 2 determinant and it arises in the study
                                                                          of linear equations. Let f 1 (x), f 2 (x), f 3 (x), and f 4 (x) be
               101. y = (x − 1)(x + 5)(x − 1)
                                                                          differentiable and let
               102. y = (x + 1) 3         103. y = (x + 1) 3
                                                                                                f 1 (x)
                                                                                                     f 2 (x)

                                 1                                                      D(x) =
               104. y = (3x + 1) 1 +  (x −5  + 1)                                                f 3 (x)  f 4 (x)
                                                                          Show that

                           1      1       1
               105. y = 1 −    1 −  2  1 −  3                                            f (x)  f (x)     f 1 (x)  f 2 (x)
                           x      x       x                                      D (x) =             +
                                                                                          f 3 (x)  f 4 (x)        f (x)  f (x)
               106. (Further) Extended Product Rule  Write a formula for the
                   derivative of the product of four differentiable functions. That
                                                                     115. Let f 0 (x) = x − 1
                   is, find a formula for  [ f 1 (x) f 2 (x) f 3 (x) f 4 (x)]. Also find a  1
                                   dx                                        f 1 (x) = 1 +
                             d                                                        x − 1
                   formula for  [ f (x)] .                                               1
                            dx                                               f 2 (x) = 1 +
               107. If f and g are differentiable functions, show that                1 +
                                                                                         x − 1
                              1                                                            1
                   if F(x) =      , then
                           f (x)g(x)                                         f 3 (x) = 1 +  1
                                                                                      1 +
                                           f (x)  g (x)                                       1
                              F (x) = −F(x)     +                                        1 +
                                            f (x)  g(x)                                     x − 1
                   provided f (x) 6= 0, g(x) 6= 0.                                                        ax + b
                                                  1                       (a) Write f 1 , f 2 , f 3 , f 4 , and f 5 in the form  cx + d  .
               108. Higher-Order Derivatives If f (x) =  , find a formula for
                                                1 − x                     (b) Using the results from (a), write the sequence of numbers
                   the nth derivative of f . That is, find f  (n) (x).       representing the coefficients of x in the numerator,
                            x − x + x 2                                      beginning with f 0 (x) = x − 1.
               109. Let f (x) =  4   . Rewrite f in the                   (c) Write the sequence in (b) as a recursive sequence.
                              x + 1
                   form (x + 1) f (x) = x − x + x . Now find f (x) without   Hint: Look at the sum of consecutive terms.
                   using the quotient rule.                               (d) Find f , f , f , f , f , and f .
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