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               220     Chapter 2 • The Derivative and Its Properties

                                                    EXAMPLE 2 Differentiating Trigonometric Functions
                                               CALC CLIP
                                                   Find the derivative of each function:
                                                                                   cos θ               e t
                                                   (a) f (x) = x cos x  (b) g(θ) =           (c) F(t) =
                                                                                 1 − sin θ            cos t
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                                                   (a)   ′     d   2        2  d          d  2
                                                        f (x) =  (x cos x) = x  cos x +    x   (cos x)
                                                               dx            dx         dx
                                                             = x (−sin x) + 2x cos x = 2x cos x − x sin x

                                                                                d                         d
                                                                                  cos θ (1 − sin θ) − (cos θ)  (1 − sin θ)

                                                   (b)         d    cos θ       dθ                       dθ
                                                        g (θ) =             =
                                                               dθ  1 − sin θ                 (1 − sin θ) 2
                                                               −sin θ (1 − sin θ) − cos θ(−cos θ)  −sin θ + sin θ + cos θ
                                                             =                  2          =              2
                                                                        (1 − sin θ)               (1 − sin θ)
                                                               −sin θ + 1     1
                                                             =         2  =
                                                               (1 − sin θ)  1 − sin θ

                                                                            d  t         t  d
                                                                              e  (cos t) − e  cos t
                                                               d    e t     dt              dt        e cos t − e (−sin t)

                                                   (c)  F (t) =         =                           =
                                                               dt  cos t            cos t                   cos t
                                                               e (cos t + sin t)
                                                             =       2
                                                                   cos t
                                                    NOW WORK   Problem 13 and AP Practice Problems 2, 6, and 8.
                                                    EXAMPLE 3 Identifying Horizontal Tangent Lines
                             y                     Find all points on the graph of f (x) = x + sin x where the tangent line is horizontal.
                                         y   x
                                      (3π, 3π)     Since tangent lines are horizontal at points on the graph of f where f (x) = 0, begin by
                                                   finding f (x) = 1 + cos x. Now solve the equation:
                                   (π, π)                               f (x) = 1 + cos x = 0
                                              x                                   cos x = −1
                3π      π       π        3π
                               π                                                    x = (2k + 1)π
               (π, π)
                                                   where k is an integer.
                 (3π, 3π)                           Since sin[(2k +1)π] = 0, then f ((2k + 1)π) = (2k + 1)π. So, at each of the points
                                                   ((2k + 1)π, (2k + 1)π), the graph of f has a horizontal tangent line. See Figure 31.
                                                      Notice in Figure 31 that each of the points with a horizontal tangent line lies on the
               Figure 31 f (x) = x + sin x         line y = x.
                                                    NOW WORK   Problem 57 and AP Practice Problem 9.
                                                      The derivatives of the remaining four trigonometric functions are obtained using
                                                   trigonometric identities and basic derivative rules. We establish the formula for the
                                                   derivative of y = tan x in Example 4. You are asked to prove formulas for the derivative
                                                   of the secant function, the cosecant function, and the cotangent function in the exercises.
                                                   (See Problems 76–78.)

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