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               218     Chapter 2 • The Derivative and Its Properties

                                            2.5 The Derivative of the Trigonometric

                                                   OBJECTIVE When you finish this section, you should be able to:
                                                   1 Differentiate trigonometric functions (p. 218)
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                                                    1 Differentiate Trigonometric Functions

                                                   To find the derivatives of y = sin x and y = cos x, we use the limits

                                                                       sin θ                 cos θ − 1
                                                                    lim    = 1    and     lim        = 0
                                                                    θ→0 θ                 θ→0   θ

                                                   that were established in Section 1.4.

                                                    THEOREM Derivative of y = sin x
                                                    The derivative of y = sin x is y = cos x. That is,
                                                                             y =    sin x = cos x

                                                   sin(x + h) − sin x
                                            y = lim                                         The definition of a derivative (Form 2)
                                                h→0       h
                                                   sin x cos h + sin h cos x − sin x
                NEED TO REVIEW? The trigonometric
                                              = lim                                         sin(A + B) = sin A cos B + sin B cos A
                 functions are discussed in Section P.6,  h→0  h
                 pp. 55–61. Trigonometric identities are
                 discussed in Appendix A.4, pp. A-35     sin x cos h − sin x  sin h cos x
                                              = lim                                         Rearrange terms.
                 to A-38.                                          +
                                                h→0        h             h
                                                          cos h − 1  sin h

                                              = lim sin x ·      +      · cos x             Factor.
                                                h→0          h       h
                                                              cos h − 1                sin h

                                              = lim sin x  lim        + lim cos x  lim      Use properties of limits.
                                                 h→0      h→0    h       h→0       h→0 h
                                                                                               cos θ − 1      sin θ
                                              = sin x · 0 + cos x · 1 = cos x               lim       = 0;  lim   = 1
                                                                                            θ→0   θ        θ→0  θ

                                                      The geometry of the derivative  sin x = cos x is shown in Figure 30. On the graph
                                                   of f (x) = sin x, horizontal tangent lines are marked as well as the tangent lines that have
                                                   slopes of 1 and −1. The derivative function is plotted on the second graph, and those
                                                   points are connected with a smooth curve.

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