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               214     Chapter 2 • The Derivative and Its Properties

                                            f (t)                     86. Investing in Fine Art  The value V of a painting t years after it
               82. Let F(t) = f (t) · g(t) and G(t) =  .
                                            g(t)                         is purchased is modeled by the function
                                     y    y   g(t)  (7, 6)                               100t + 50
                                     6   (4, 6)                                    V (t) =       + 400 1 ≤ t ≤ 5
                                (3, 4)
                                     4                                   (a) Find the rate of change in the value V with respect to time.
                            (5, 3)
                                                                         (b) What is the rate of change in value after 2 years?
                    © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes Only - Do Not Copy.
                                     2          y   f(t)
                             (5, 2)     (2, 2)                          (c) What is the rate of change in value after 3 years?
                                                                         (d) Interpret the answers in (b) and (c).
                               4 2        4  6   t
                                                                      87. Drug Concentration The concentration of a drug in a
                                    2         (5, 2)                   patient’s blood t hours after injection is given by the
                   (a) F (0)                (b) F (3)                    function f (t) =  (in milligrams per liter).
                                                                                     2t + 1
                   (c) F (−4)               (d) G (−2)
                                                                         (a) Find the rate of change of the concentration with respect to
                                                d  1                        time.
                   (e) G (−1)               (f)        at t = 3
                                               dt f (t)                  (b) What is the rate of change of the concentration after 10 min?
                                                                            After 30 min? After 1 hour?
               Applications and Extensions
                                                                         (c) Interpret the answers found in (b).
            211 83. Vertical Motion An object is propelled vertically upward  (d) Graph f for the first 5 hours after administering the drug.
                   from the ground with an initial velocity of 39.2 m/s.
                   The distance s (in meters) of the object from the     (e) From the graph, approximate the time (in minutes) at which
                   ground after t seconds is given by the position          the concentration of the drug is highest. What is the highest
                                                                            concentration of the drug in the patient’s blood?
                   function s = s(t) = −4.9t + 39.2t.
                                                                      88. Population Growth  A population of 1000 bacteria is introduced
                   (a) What is the velocity of the object at time t?     into a culture and grows in number according to the formula
                  (b) When will the object reach its maximum height?
                   (c) What is the maximum height?                       P(t) = 1000 1 +       , where t is measured in hours.
                                                                                       100 + t  2
                  (d) What is the acceleration of the object at any time t?
                   (e) How long is the object in the air?
                                                                         (a) Find the rate of change in population with respect to time.
                   (f) What is the velocity of the object upon impact with the
                                                                         (b) What is the rate of change in population at t = 1, t = 2, t = 3,
                      ground? What is its speed?
                                                                            and t = 4?
                   (g) What is the total distance traveled by the object?
                                                                         (c) Interpret the answers found in (b).
               84. Vertical Motion A ball is thrown vertically upward from  (d) Graph P = P(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ 20.
                   a height of 6 ft with an initial velocity of 80 ft/s. The distance s  (e) From the graph, approximate the time (in hours) when the
                   (in feet) of the ball from the ground after t seconds is given by  population is the greatest. What is the maximum population
                   the position function s = s(t) = 6 + 80t − 16t .         of the bacteria in the culture?
                   (a) What is the velocity of the ball after 2 s?
                                                                      89. Economics  The price-demand function for a popular e-book is
                  (b) When will the ball reach its maximum height?
                                                                                        100, 000
                   (c) What is the maximum height the ball reaches?      given by D(p) =  2      , 4 ≤ p ≤ 20, where D = D(p) is
                                                                                      p + 10p + 50
                  (d) What is the acceleration of the ball at any time t?
                                                                         the quantity demanded at the price p dollars.
                   (e) How long is the ball in the air?
                   (f) What is the velocity of the ball upon impact with the ground?  (a) Find D (p), the rate of change of demand with respect to
                      What is its speed?                                    price.
                   (g) What is the total distance traveled by the ball?  (b) Find D (5), D (10), and D (15).
                                                                         (c) Interpret the results found in (b).
               85. Environmental Cost The cost C, in thousands of dollars, for
                   the removal of a pollutant from a certain lake is given by the  90. Intensity of Light  The intensity of illumination I on a surface
                                 5x                                      is inversely proportional to the square of the distance r from the
                   function C(x) =   , where x is the percent of pollutant
                               110 − x                                   surface to the source of light. If the intensity is 1000 units when
                   removed.                                              the distance is 1 m from the light, find the rate of change of the
                                                                         intensity with respect to the distance when the source is 10 meters
                   (a) What is the domain of C?
                                                                         from the surface.
                  (b) Graph C.
                   (c) What is the cost to remove 80% of the pollutant?
                  (d) Find C (x), the rate of change of the cost C with respect to
                      the amount of pollutant removed.
                   (e) Find the rate of change of the cost for removing 40%, 60%,
                      80%, and 90% of the pollutant.
                   (f) Interpret the answers found in (e).
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