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privately about a girl. The awful word that began   ducked down or got down on my hands and
                                                           to occur to me was fast. She’s fast. I wasn’t   knees and inched my way to the edge of the
               CLOSE READING                               actually very fast. I was faster than some but not   balcony. I think I looked over far enough to
                                                           as fast as others. The more I imagined the two   see him down there on the sidewalk below —
               Ask students to consider the implications   boys talking about me the worse I felt.  looking up, as I remember it. Or he had gone
               of the word “fast” (par. 4). Contextually,   Analyzing Short Fiction  “I liked boys. I liked the boys I knew in a    5 across the street and was looking up. He didn’t
               what is the definition of “fast”? What is the   way that was much more innocent than they   see me.
               effect of the repetition of the word “fast” as   probably thought. I trusted them more than   “I know that as I crouched there on the
               it relates to the woman’s complex attitude   girls. Girls hurt my feelings, girls ganged up on   balcony or just back from it I had some
               about both herself and her situation? Ask   me. I always had boys who were my friends,   impression of him being puzzled, disconcerted,
               students to share their observations with   starting back when I was nine and ten and   disappointed, at a loss what to do now, not
               the whole class.
                                                           eleven. I didn’t like this feeling that two boys   prepared for this — prepared for all sorts of
                      © Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. For review purposes only. Do not distribute.
                                                           were talking about me.           other ways the date might go, other difficulties,
                                                              “Well, when the day came, I didn’t want to   but not for no date at all. Maybe he also felt
                                                           go out to dinner with this boy. I just didn’t want   angry or insulted, if it occurred to him then or
                                                           the difficulty of this date. It scared me — not   later that maybe he hadn’t made a mistake but
                                                           because there was anything scary about the boy   that I had deliberately stood him up, and not the
                                                           but because he was a stranger, I didn’t know   way I did it — alone up there in the apartment,
                                                           him. I didn’t want to sit there face-to-face in   uncomfortable and embarrassed, chickening
                                                           some restaurant and start from the very   out, hiding out — but, he would imagine, in
                                                           beginning, knowing nothing. It didn’t feel right.   collusion with someone else, a girlfriend or
                                                           And there was the burden of that   boyfriend, confiding in them, snickering over
                                                           recommendation — ‘Give her a try.’  him.
                                                              “Then again, maybe there were other   “I don’t know if he called me, or if I answered   10
                                                           reasons. Maybe I had been alone in that   the phone if it rang. I could have given some
                                                           apartment so much by then that I had retreated   excuse — I could have said I had gotten sick or
                                                           into some kind of inner, unsociable space that   had to go out suddenly. Or maybe I hung up
                                                           was hard to come out of. Maybe I felt I had   when I heard his voice. In those days I did a lot
                                                           disappeared and I was comfortable that way and   of avoiding that I don’t do now — avoiding
                                                           did not want to be forced back into existence.    confrontations, avoiding difficult encounters.
                                                           I don’t know.                    And I did a fair amount of lying that I also don’t
                                                              “At six o’clock, the buzzer rang. The boy was   do now.
                                                           there, downstairs. I didn’t answer it. It rang   “What was strange was how awful this felt.
                                                           again. Still I did not answer it. I don’t know how   I was treating a person like a thing. And I was
                                                           many times it rang or how long he leaned on it.    betraying not just him but something larger,
                                                           I let it ring. At some point, I walked the length of   some social contract. When you knew a decent
                                                           the living room to the balcony. The apartment   person was waiting downstairs, someone you
                                                           was four stories up. Across the street and down a   had made an appointment with, you did not just
                                                           flight of stone steps was a park. From the   not answer the buzzer. What was even more
                                                           balcony on a clear day you could look out over   surprising to me was what I felt about myself in
                                                           the park and see all the way across town, maybe   that instant. I was behaving as though I had no
                                                           a mile, to the other river. At this point I think I   responsibility to anyone or anything, and that


                                                 02_SheaLitComp3e_28114_ch01_xl_053.indd   22                             27/10/21   9:05 PM
                                                 Ask students to consider how the woman’s   Google Jamboard, Padlet, on large Post-its,
                                                 contradictory or inconsistent traits impact the   or using the TRM document) to analyze and
                                                 reliability of her as a narrator of her own story.   note the speaker’s motivation (column 1),
                                                 Specifically, consider the shift found in the   actions (column 2), and reactions to and
                                                 phrases: “In those days I did a lot of avoiding   thoughts about the boy (column 3). Then, ask
                                                 that I don’t do now — avoiding confrontations,   students to review each group’s observations
                                                 avoiding difficult encounters. And I did a fair   through a gallery walk. You may wish to ask
                                                 amount of lying that I also don’t do now” to   students to respond using small Post-its or
                                                 “What was even more surprising to me was   through the digital comments.
                                                 what I felt about myself in that instant. I was
                                                 behaving as though I had no responsibility to   TRM  Graphic Organizer
                                                 anyone or anything . . .” Ask students in small   A graphic organizer for this activity can be
                                                 groups to use a graphic organizer (created in   found in the Teacher’s Resource Materials.

               22                                                                           chapter 1 / Analyzing Short Fiction

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