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working-class men often had to be strong; and And I was deeply unhappy with myself. So I did 4
with more intact families (and male-dominated something about it. I put down Tolkien, logged off
work spaces), men did not lack for role models. World of Warcraft (well, for a few minutes anyway), chapter 4
That does not mean that men were perfect. and started running again. I joined the Army and
There is already too much nostalgia in our society got stronger before I left for my officer basic course.
for a past that had virtues but also had terrible I got stronger still before I left for Iraq. I was stron -
vices. But it does mean that it was easier for a ger still by the time I came home. Conversation / David French
man to have purpose, and meaningful and sus- Then, one day after I returned from overseas, I DIFFERENTIATION
tainable happiness is elusive without purpose. was on a Cub Scout hike with my son. We were at
Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
Now, acculturation into healthy traditional the bottom of a ravine, when one of the boys threw Scaffolding
masculinity has to be far more intentional. Why a rock that hit my son square in the head. The gash AP ®
should a man who works in a cubicle and types was deep, blood was everywhere, and he started AP Teaching Tip. French concludes his
essay with a pr
essay with a proportionately rather long oportionately rather long
on a keyboard all day be strong? How does he to lose consciousness. Our cell phones worked to personal anecdote (from pars. 20–24) that om pars. 20–24) that
personal anecdote (fr
productively satisfy that quest for adventure? call 911, but there was no way the ambulance leads to his final paragraph. Y
leads to his final paragraph. You could ask ou could ask
How do you shape an identity as a sheepdog in could come down to us. We had to run up to it. students to examine its function and effec-fec-
students to examine its function and ef
Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
safe suburbia? Why be stoic at all when everyone So, with the pack leader applying direct pres- tiveness, using the AP ®
tiveness, using the AP Language Unit 4
around you is indulging in the emotionalism sure to his head, I picked him up and started to Essential Knowledge statement RHS-1.J: Essential Knowledge statement RHS-1.J:
that’s often a hallmark of “self-care”? run — straight up a steep incline. I ran, carrying “The conclusion of an ar
“The conclusion of an argument brings the gument brings the
All of this is hard. Very hard. Especially when him, until I was about to pass out. Then my wife ar
argument to a unified end. A conclusion gument to a unified end. A conclusion
combined with the fact I mentioned at the start of (who is very strong but couldn’t carry him as far) may present the argument’s thesis. It may s thesis. It may
may pr
esent the ar
the piece — the creation of a “grown man” involves would spell me for a bit. Then I’d grab him and engage and/or focus the audience by engage and/or focus the audience by
short-term pain. As with so many things, we want run some more. We got to the top of the hill just as explaining the significance of the argument gument
explaining the significance of the ar
the result, but we hate the process. Effective role the ambulance arrived, and they were able to stop within a broader context, making connec-oader context, making connec-
within a br
models understand this reality, and they preach the bleeding before the blood loss got too serious. tions, calling the audience to act, suggest-tions, calling the audience to act, suggest-
relentlessly about the worth of sacrifice. A few years before, I would have collapsed, ing a change in behavior or attitude, ing a change in behavior or attitude,
Take, for example, one of the world’s most wheezing on the ground, after carrying a third- pr
proposing a solution, leaving the audience oposing a solution, leaving the audience
popular celebrities, Dwayne Johnson (better grader even 100 yards uphill. I would have failed with a compelling image, explaining impli-with a compelling image, explaining impli-
known as “The Rock”). He shares a mantra for life my own son. But I answered the call of my “tra- cations, summarizing the ar
cations, summarizing the argument, or con-gument, or con-
improvement that particularly resonates with ditional masculinity” and got stronger not necting to the intr
necting to the introduction.” Which of those oduction.” Which of those
young men — “blood, sweat, and respect.” You because I wanted to look good or attract women characteristics apply to French’s choices at s choices at
characteristics apply to Fr
sweat and bleed and in return you earn respect. or “be fit” but because something inside me the end? the end?
It’s a more vivid version of “no pain, no gain.” Vir - whispered that an able-bodied man should not
tuous traditional masculinity is inherently incom- be weak. In other words, I tried my best to
patible with a pain-avoidance culture. become a true “grown man.” DIFFERENTIATION
Let me close with a story I’ve told before. 20 We do our sons no favors when we tell them 25
I’ve spent most of my career as a litigator that they don’t have to answer that voice inside Collaborative Learning
Collaborative Learning
and most of my recreational time as a nerd. them that tells them to be strong, to be brave, and to
ently to
Students might r
espond dif
Given that reality, it’s very easy to get soft. lead. We do them no favors when we let them aban - Students might respond differently to
s personal story at the end. Y
There’s nothing about writing legal briefs or don the quest to become a grown man when that French’s personal story at the end. You
might have them debate whether they find
reading The Silmarillion for the tenth time quest gets hard. Yes, we do them no favors when might have them debate whether they find
him to be persuasive and impressive, ego-
that builds your biceps. I was an active kid, and I we’re not sensitive to those boys who don’t conform him to be persuasive and impr essive, ego-
tistical and self-aggrandizing, or confident
played basketball in leagues into my early 30s, to traditional masculinity, but when it comes to the tistical and self-aggrandizing, or confident
ealistic. What definition of a “gr
and r
but when I aged out of my league, I started to crisis besetting our young men, traditional mascu - and realistic. What definition of a “grown
man” does he embody in his story? Stu-
surrender to my desk job. I gained weight. I linity isn’t the problem; it can be part of the cure. man” does he embody in his story? Stu-
dents should support their claims with
couldn’t run even a mile without gasping for air. 2019 dents should support their claims with
303 evidence.
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