Page 199 - The Language of Composition 4e Teacher Edition Sample.indd
P. 199
Many boys are thus often growing up raised government — a much more cost-efficient 4
by single mothers, the share more than doubling approach than dealing with the downstream
between 1980 and 2019, from 18 percent to effects. The enhanced child tax credit should be DIFFERENTIATION chapter 4
40 percent. A study from 2015 found that “as renewed, helping stabilize families.
Connections to World
more boys grow up without their father in the Drives for national service and contribution, 10 Connections to W orld
home, and as women . . . are viewed as the more such as an American Exchange Program or In paragraph 11, Yang claims that “Strong,
ang claims that “Str
In paragraph 11, Y
stable achievers, boys and girls alike [may] come national service years, should be resuscitated. Conversation / Andrew Yang healthy, fulfilled men are more likely to treat
e likely to tr
, fulfilled men ar
e mor
to see males as having a lower achievement And businesses and industries that employ large women well.” Although Y ang of fers sup-
women well.” Although Yang offers sup-
orientation. . . . College becomes something that numbers of men, such as manufacturing, should porting evidence for many of his other
porting evidence for many of his other
Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
many girls, but only some boys, do.” be invested in and reinvigorated. claims, this one he leaves as is. You could
claims, this one he leaves as is. Y
ou could
Yes, men have long had societal advantages On a cultural level, we must stop defining ask students to find evidence to either sup-
ask students to find evidence to either sup-
over women and in some ways continue to masculinity as necessarily toxic and start port or refute his statement.
efute his statement.
port or r
be treated favorably. But male achievement — promoting positive masculinity. Strong, healthy,
alongside that of women — is a condition for a fulfilled men are more likely to treat women well.
healthy society. And male failure begets male fail- The above is, of course, a prodigious
ure, to society’s detriment. Our media, institutions undertaking. But I see the need around me all DIFFERENTIATION
Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
and public leadership have failed to address this the time. Collaborative Learning
Collaborative Learning
crisis, framing boys and men as the problem A number of my friends have become
ang admits that his pr
In paragraph 12 Y
themselves rather than as people requiring help. detached from society. Everyone hits a snag at In paragraph 12 Yang admits that his pro-
posed changes and goals that he began to
This needs to change. Helping boys and men some point — losing a job, facing a divorce — posed changes and goals that he began to
list in paragraph 8 amount to “a pr
succeed should be a priority for all our society’s but my male friends seem less able to bounce list in paragraph 8 amount to “a prodigious
ou might have small gr
undertaking.” Y
institutions. Schools that have succeeded in back. Male dysfunction tends to take on an air of undertaking.” You might have small groups
of students r
eview his pr
oposals and
keeping boys on track should be expanded, by nihilism and dropping out. As a society, we don’t of students review his proposals and
e r
ealistic and practi-
decide which ones ar
both increasing the number of students they provide many avenues for healthy recovery. decide which ones are realistic and practi-
cal and ef
omoting positive
fective in “pr
serve and exporting their methods to other Here’s the simple truth I’ve heard from cal and effective in “promoting positive
masculinity” (par
. 11), and which may be
schools. Vocational education and opportunities many men: We need to be needed. We imagine masculinity” (par. 11), and which may be
should be redoubled; the nation’s public school ourselves as builders, soldiers, workers, idealistic and impractical and ineffective.
idealistic and impractical and inef
system should start the process for early age brothers — part of something bigger than our-
groups, and apprenticeship programs should be selves. We deal with idleness terribly.
supported by the federal government. Nonprof- “A man . . . with no means of filling up time,” 15
its helping boys and men — such as Big Brothers George Orwell wrote, is “as miserable out of
Big Sisters of America and the YMCA — should work as a dog on the chain.” Left to our own
receive more investment. devices, many of us will fail. And from our
Resources that keep families together when failure, terrible things result for the country,
they want to stay together, such as marriage well beyond any individual self-destruction.
counseling, should be subsidized by the 2022
TRM Suggested Responses
1. Claims and Evidence. Andrew Yang offers plenty of evidence that shows how boys and
esponses to the questions for
Suggested r
men are falling behind. Which evidence do you find the most compelling? Explain. Suggested responses to the questions for
eading can be found in the T
this r
2. Claims and Evidence / Reasoning and Organization. Yang points to many societal this reading can be found in the Teacher’s
ce Materials.
problems for men and boys, among them the difficulty of getting jobs, of not attending or Resource Materials.
completing college, of being raised by single mothers. Which of these do you regard as the
most challenging? What do you think can be done to resolve these problems?
3. Claims and Evidence / Reasoning and Organization. What is the concession Yang
makes in paragraph 7? How does it affect the cogency of his argument? Explain.
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